
Writing a Professional Life (Gresham)

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years ago

Group Projects for Mount Zion Human Services



Most recent project updates: 2-19-09

ENC 4931 plans to meet with Pat on Wednesday, 18 February, during our regular class time (6:00-8:50pm).
Here are the students' interpretations of the projects currently underway aside from the grant projects:

Curriculum Planning Group (Group: Billy Butcher, Marissa Henrikson, and Heidi Arndt): Please contact Rich in Trey Conner's class to talk about what he's been working on for tutoring.



We will be developing curriculum for the tutoring program at Mt. Zion, focused mainly on reading remediation.  Based on an informative interview with Doris Newton, our group learned of several specific needs we will be addressing.  The main deficiency in the current curricula offered through the tutorials is in the age group of middle school.  At present, Mt. Zion has limited materials for middle-school students who need remediation in reading.  Also needed are computer-based vocabulary activities for K-2nd grade.  Finally, since Mt. Zion is federally funded, the tutoring curricula should be research-based and oriented to achievement on the state standardized test, the FCAT.

General Brochure Group (Group: Kathleen Hardesty and Cheri Sauter):

We will be developing a high-quality general agency tri-fold brochure for Mount Zion. Preferably, we will also create service-specific inserts to include with the brochure on an as-needed basis. Our next step in the process will be to discuss the general goals and objectives of the brochure and determine what Mount Zion currently has in existence to aid in the development process (e.g., an existing brochure as a starting point, boilerplate text about services, photos, logo, etc.) We will also determine preferences for the brochure's "look and feel," with the possibility of standardizing format for all agency publications, and discuss printing preferences (i.e., will this be printed in-house or professionally?)











Working together using this wiki


Think of this wiki as a shared online whiteboard. Your entire group can share information using this wiki, making your research accessible to everyone. Play around with this wiki: Notice how you can add comments to a page, see what people have changed, and edit all the text.


Jr. High Reading Curriculum project: Billy, Marissa, Heidi

Grant projects: Jimmy & Thea

Web design: Jimmy

Newsletter: Kathleen, Cheri


Group members






  1. Source 1
  2. Source 2
  3. Source 3
  4. Source 4


Source Name Page # Quote
Encyclopedia of Stars 44, 46 "The stars are the heavens"




When should we meet?

Who When I can meet
Jesse M-F, 8am-5pm
Chris Anytime after 2pm
Dana Saturday, 5pm
Pat Sunday, 4pm-8pm



Keep your drafts here so you can refer to earlier versions.


Draft 1

Draft 2


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