
Spring 2009 Course Calendar

Page history last edited by Casey Belt 15 years, 10 months ago

ENC 4260/6421 Course Calendar


Our course calendar provides a metric, and helps us mind the time. At the same time, please understand that this calendar is emergent--we will be able, within certain limits, alter our weekly plans to suit the trajectory of our research and collaborations. Please post details about writing (a peer's, your own, or from any other source relevant to our goals), and local events that you think your peers might find interesting or relevant to topics and issues that emerge from our reading, writing, and research. If our calendar gets too crowded, we can always create a 30 boxes calendar specifically for our course, and embed it here and anywhere else on the wiki.



Week One - JanSeven


Week Two - JanFourteen


Week Three - JanTwentyOne


Week Four - JanTwentyEight


Week Five - FebFour


Week Six - FebEleven


February 16th - James Weldon Johnson event at Studio@620, 620 1st Ave. S, 7 pm!


Week Seven - FebEighteen


Week Eight - FebTwentyFive



USFSP Business and Technical Writing Majors Meeting

Thursday, 26 February 2009


place: TBA


Week Nine - MarchFour


Week Ten - MarchEleven


Week Eleven - MarchEighteen - Spring Break Week


Week Twelve - MarchTwentyFive


Week Thirteen - AprilOne


Week Fourteen - AprilEight


AprilNine Conversations with Successful Partners Davis 130 11:00am-noon


Week Fifteen - AprilFifteen


Week Sixteen - AprilTwentyTwo

Cheryl's SSBC Grant Revisions


MayFirst - in lieu of a Final Exam....a Showcase!


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