

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years ago

Link Pile!


Scribus - open source alternative to PageMaker and QuarkXPress. This O'Reilly article breaks it down.


Obama and the open sourcing of the US government



new investigator research grant

Scholarship in the Digital Age Public Symposium

Scroll down and stream the clip featuring Mizuko Ito, Research Scientist, Annenberg Center for Communication. This forum surfs the tensions between kids/adults, institutions/viral culture, and emergent learning/formalisms that arise when educators and scholars consider the effects of wireless and digital.


Please add to this list. Select a link, and go...no single one of us will be able to "cover" the archive we grow this semester, but each of us will contribute to our commons by reading and teaching our peers what we learn in written responses posted here, on our wiki.







I clicked this link because I wanted to know more about hacker culture. I love that hackers "follow a spirit of creative playfulness and anti-authoritarianism, and sometimes use this term to refer to people applying the same attitude to other fields." I followed up on this and found a list of books that helped shape hacker culture.. which is how I was led to this:




This led me to:




"Hofstadter had previously expressed disappointment with how Gödel, Escher, Bach was received. In the preface to the twentieth-anniversary edition, Hofstadter laments that his book has been misperceived as a hodge-podge of neat things with no central theme. He states: "GEB is a very personal attempt to say how it is that animate beings can come out of inanimate matter. What is a self, and how can a self come out of stuff that is as selfless as a stone or a puddle?""




This sound creates an auditory allusion of a tone that continually ascends or descends in pitch, yet which ultimately seems to get no higher or lower.


A Politics of Intellectual Property: Environmentalism for the Net? James Boyle. Duke Law Journal Volume 47, no. 2 1997.


microsoft intervenes on FLA open standards legislation


Digital Media and Learning

A clip on "what kids are learning in virtual worlds" http://takeonedigital.blip.tv/file/488039/


Beyond Productivity : Information, Technology, Innovation, and Creativity (2003), by William J. Mitchell, Alan S. Inouye, and Marjory S. Blumenthal, Editors


Free Culture


deliciously tagged ENC4931





digital kids


Computer Mentors Verizon sponsored initiative in St. Petersburg and Tampa




St. Petersburg WiFi


Community Wireless Solutions hear about large-scale access initiatives, worldwide


Thin Client How-To


what's up with free software?


State Technology Report a supplement to the 10th edition of Technology Counts, assesses the status of K-12 educational technology nationwide.


The Information-Seeking Behavior of Youth in the Digital Environment published in Library Trends 54.2 (2005) 178-196, by Eliza T. Dresang


Technical Communication in the Age of Distributed Work by Clay Spinuzzi, published in Technical Communication Quarterly (16) 3, 2007


The Question Concerning Technology Martin Heidegger


The Architecture of Information: Open Source Software and Tactical Poststructuralist Anarchism some linked articles will ask you for your usf library password. Free this information!


Coding Free Software, Coding Free States: Free Software Legislation and the Politics of Code in Peru by Anita Chan. Anthropological Quarterly 77.3 (2004) 531-545


Computer Music and the Linux Operating System: A Report From the Front by Lawrence Phillips. A conscise introduction to Linux followed by a more specific survey of audio platforms for Linux


Teaching Digital Rhetoric Pedagogy 6.2 (2006) 231-259



USF Policy # 0-501: Using and Protecting Information Technology Resources


USF Policy # 0-512: University Computing


Computer terms dictionary




search engine this search engine is black owned


Video Games: Medicine For The Body Federation of American Scientists. "Video Games: Medicine For The Body." ScienceDaily 24 September 2006. 11 January 2009.


Connexions A place to view and share education materials.


Earth911.com A good place for info about recycling. In 2007, 56% of paper that was used in our coutry, has been sent into recycling. You could even join a discussion on this website and ask questions.


America's Army Video Game A game that is supposed to give you the real feeling of being in the Army, including all of the technology and training.


BBC News on Army Video Game Here is an article telling us how the Army initially came out with the video game for recruiting purposes, but now is using it for military training.


Switched.com A study that tells us how seniors respond to playing video games. I always new stimulating the brain keeps your brain cells from dieing off.


ScienceDaily This article warns parents from letting infants under 2 years of age watch too much television and infant aimed games. It says that infants watching too much TV will have a delayed development, particularly their language skills.


World Wide Telescope Get a kick out of this! How is this for a video game? Add a few spaceships and go concur the unexplored. Browse the Universe, the light and the darkness! I had installed this telescope and enjoyed the lightshow.


Crossing the (Gender) Divide

Here is an interesting article about women and video games.


Global Warming The site states that 40% of oxygen comes from the earths' forests and how many billions of tons deforestation releases. Interesting to know that we are killing our own planet.




Each of you will do a book report/oral presentation and provide at least one handout from an approved text, but I will wait until we've worked together for a few weeks before I require any print media. I want us to do close-reading together, but I want to tune this aspect of the course to your interests and projects.


Lessig, L. (2002). The future of ideas. New York: Vintage Books. handouts, chapters 3, 4, 5.


Marshall McLuhan The Medium is the Massage and Understanding Media


Race, Rhetoric, and Technology by Adam Banks


Ubuntu Hacks


Technology and Social Inclusion rethinking the digital divide


New Literacies Sampler Colin Lankshear


Being Digital Nicholas Negroponte

see also One Laptop Per Child


Technicolor: Race, Technology and Everyday Life


Growing Up Digital Don Tapscott


Friere, Paulo. Pedagogy of the Oppressed. Continuum International Publishing Group; 30th Annv. Edition (September, 2000). ISBN: 0826412769.


Margins of Reality: The Role of Consciousness in the Physical World by Robert G. Jahn and Brenda J. Dunne


De Romilly, J. (1975). Magic and Rhetoric in Ancient Greece. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. handout: chapter 1


Khan, D., & Whitehead, G. (1994). Wireless imagination. Boston: M.I.T. Press.


Schulz, J. “Penn State bans servers, provides info on Napster Program.” Retrieved June 1, 2006, from http://lawgeek.typepad.com/lawgeek/2004/05/educause_policy.html


Richard, a poster at the Napster article in the Register. Retrieved June 1, 2006. (http://www.theregister.co.uk/2003/11/12/there_is_magic_behind_penn/)


Selfe, C. L. (1999). Technology and literacy in the twenty-first century. Carbondale and Edwardsville: Southern Illinois University Press. handout: chapter 5


Olson, C. P. 1987. "Who Computes?" In Critical Pedagogy and Cultural Power, ed. David W. Livingstone, 179–204. South Hadley, MA: Bergin and Garvey.


Watkins, E. (1998). Everyday exchanges: Marketwork and capitalist common sense. Stanford: Stanford University Press.


Nelson, Theodor Holm. (2003). Literary Machines 93.1. Watertown, MA: Eastgate Systems, Inc. http://distributedlearningproject.pbwiki.com/f/Literary+Machines+(pics).pdf




Salmon, Gilly. (2002). Etivities: The Key to Active Online Learning.

London: Kogan Page Limited. http://distributedlearningproject.pbwiki.com/f/Pictures+for+Research+Project.pdf


Grabill, Jeff. Community Literacy Programs and the Politics of Social Change. Albany: SUNY press, 2001. ISBN: 0791450724


Keeble, Leigh, & Loader, Brian (Eds). Community Informatics: Shaping Computer-Mediated Social Relations. Routledge, 2001





Banks, A. (2005). Race, Rhetoric, and Technology


Lessig, L. (2002). The future of ideas. New York: Vintage Books


Marshall McLuhan Understanding Media


Technicolor: Race, Technology and Everyday Life


Jacob Parker--Conscious Connections


Tomeka's page


Patti's Link Page


Rich's Readings Page


Kim's Textbook Responses

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