

Marketing Video Games

Within a Fluid Technological Market

USC MEGA student group lecture outline

Feb. 20th, 2009




With more freeware and development tools available, it is now easier for independent developers to create and distribute their video games. How can software products for these new technologies be marketed and distributed within these emerging structures of opportunity? Basic marketing theories can be utilized as a stepping stone to exploring these new areas.


What sells your game?





The Marketing Campaign

The Marketing Campaign not only includes all advertising assets and positioning, but also a close relationship with the development of the product. Early identification of marketing strategies helps to ensure a product for the target audience. The marketing campaign should identify the overall message of the game and execute based on these determinations. This suggests that there should be an intimate interaction and integration between both the marketing and the product development.

The Good

Creative partnership with YouTube for the Wario: Shake it Wii experience.

The Bad

The Ugly




Press Kit

Creating a Press Kit is an essential tool when approaching investors, publishers, and distributors with your video game, but a Press Kit can also be a helpful tool in determining the overall positioning and presentation of your product for further game development and establishment of a solid marketing campaign.



Generally Press Kits should include the following in some form or another:





Word of Mouth

Word of mouth advertising is the most useful form of marketing a product.




Market Testing

Market testing is a great way to clearly define and choose your audience. By selecting some test samples of the initial target audience, you can better gauge the current state of your product and project how the market audience will respond. This can also help you identify sub-markets within the larger target audience to help you determine how well the product will spread by word of mouth.




Creating Unique Marketing Assets

Among many things, unique marketing assets utilize new or existing technology in an original way.





Closing Thoughts

This innovative and fluid atmosphere surrounding technology requires that marketing take a similar approach if it is to be effective. Both product and marketing should be self referential bringing the overall message of the product to the audience. The challenge is to make your product stand out over all the others flooding the market. Selecting the right audience and developing a product to suit their needs and interests will gain you an advantage over all the other marketing campaigns that reach for just anything.



Link Pile - add any helpful links!


Etsy- a place to buy and sell homemade goods of all kinds


Plants vs Zombies - music video used as a marketing device